al ariel rosé 

Poet I Norway


Poet, author of a book of poems with illustrations "Pólnoc. Przypowiesci", Znak 2019 (North. Parables) and "morze noca jest miesniem serca", PIW 2022 (the sea at night is the muscle of the heart). They were nominated for the Most Beautiful Book of 2015 award for his illustrations to J.Iwaszkiewicz's book "The Cat's Book". For their illustrations to Magdalena Tullas book "Ten i tamten las" (2017), they received the Warsaw Literary Award and were nominated for the International IBBY Award. 


They translate poems and essays from Norwegian, English, Spanish, Italian, French and from Polish to English. They have published poetry and essays in major Norwegian magazines, like Samtiden, Ny Tid, BLA, Mellom. They are member of the Litteratur på Blå in Oslo where they have arranged and led meetings on Louise Glück and this year they are inviting two Ukrainian and two Belarusian poets for two events of their initiative. They represented Norway at the book fair in Warsaw, Poland 2022 where they presented Norwegian and Ukrainian poetry and led the meeting with the poet Aina Villanger (in their translation). They translated and published a selection of Norwegian poetry for two magazines in Poland and arranged two meetings with three Norwegian poets in Krakow and Warsaw in 2019. 




Fot. Tonatiuh Ambrosetti, Foundation Jan Michalski