The field of Jeannette's interest is to examine – through her practice - connections between human behaviour and the phenomenon of thoughts, appearing and evolving trough different social contexts, creating outcomes into ordinary life.

Thoughts enable to gather individuals attitude within the frame of cultural and social issues, as individuals’ position towards the hierarchy of signs, or facing the raw question of the over whelming power beside the obsolete constitution of any institution.

Her ideas are often related to issues that give the spectators a view within a broader perspective, enable to create connections between social issues, or concerning the ontological meaning of “knowing”, in conjunction to related cultural belonging, or in a deeper way about social engagement and social absence. 

She’s further elaborating issues related on socio-cultural connections between individuals and cultural heritage in order to discuss their establishment in our society. The interpretation and the value of “meanings“are deepen, while discovering, possibilities comprehending new approaches and new readings of the phenomenon. In this context the sociological point of view through Art history as one of the main reference of framing her works has been determinant.

Recently, she has been involved in researching on the ontology of gestures and furthermore on their historical and cultural backgrounds, the power of known Icons and their overwhelming approach trough daily life within the cultural environment. 

In those pieces Jeannette has been investigating the meaning of established Icons through bodily gestures which, bounded to the natural body constitution, where further connected to the mystical and unpredictable world, within each living being.

Her interest is inquiring among issues of individuality within a wide context, where acquainted and known peculiarities, as attitudes or natural characteristics, are related to personal ways of being, telling about choices and about the way we concern things around us.